
Teodric Abstract: This is the first page of the documents describing the Haven project. This document lists and describes the various other documents that are available relating to the Haven project.

Not all documents are made public, and it is not to be taken for granted that they will be. Because of that, if you are viewing a document from this project at another site than the main internal documentation, some links will not work. This is to be expected.

Copyright notes, author information etc can be found via a link at the bottom of each page on this site.

Availability: This version: Public


First time visitors may have some use in looking at the What is 'Haven'? page.

Returning visitors, check the News page for some hints on what has been updated recently.

Types of Documents - Overviews - Platform - Applications - Vision - Project

This is the  public version of this document. You may find that links do not work or that documents are not available in this distribution.

Quick Index

The quick index provides easy access to some of the more frequently requested or actively updated documents

A1 - Credo - FAQ - Hnefatafl - Links - News - P2P Downloads - Patterns of Drama - Profiles - Q & A - Terminology


Types of Documents

The number of pages indicated are in most cases rough estimates of target size for the documents. This is especially true for the bigger documents. The number given as "@x pages" indicates present size of the document. The document sizes are shown mainly to give the reader some indication of the relative importance and amount of content in each document.



These documents are not available in this distribution, with the exception of some general documents.


Highlights documents are generally not available in this distribution - exceptions:

Concept A: Capture the Flag

Online cooperative action game, designed as a case study on the capabilities of a limited implementation of the Haven project

Concept B: MMORPG/Children of the Prophecy

Massively multiplayer, online, persistent, fantasy roleplaying game, designed as a case study on the capabilities of a limited implementation of the Haven project

Concept C: Technology Demo

A group of applications meant to demonstrate the capabilities of the Haven platform

Concept D: Hnefatafl

Hnefatafl board game

Concept E: Nation and People

A sim based on the Sims style broadcasted needs/supplies and ideas around sense of nationality, foreign policy and international interaction

Concept F: Fudd

MUD milestone project

Concept G: MultiMode

Concept H: TykeWorld

Concept I: Starkumàl

Massively narrative first-person game with full action features and multiple main storylines




This text was written in its entirety by Olof Ekström. For more information about the author of this page, see Olof Ekström's personal information in the Project Profiles document.

Copyright © 2001-2002 Olof Ekström/Extro System. All rights reserved.

Bälinge/Uppsala, Sweden, September 2001-May 2002