Nordic countries:
The cold Baltic Sea has things in common with Arctica, Antarctica, the North
American Great Lakes and some sweetwater lakes : There is no shipworm, wood is preserved for centuries
and it's possible to find very well preserved wrecks.
- Swedish Maritime Museum's wreck register
in Stockholm. The museum responsible for the national wreck register, which is slowly being
transferred to a computer database. Thanks to the Swedish law of public
information, all information is open to the public. Visiting hours: Tuesday-Friday
1-3 PM.
- Maritime Museum of Finland,
Helsinki. National wreck register.
- Norwegian Maritime Museum, Oslo,
Norway. The museum hosts the
wreck register for Norway together with four regional museums.
Kystverket , Norway. Hosts a national wreck register.
- Institute of Maritime Archaeology,
Roskilde, Denmark. National wreck register, for research and not public.
- Foteviken Maritime Centre, has a wreck database for South Sweden, partially on line.
- Wrecks south of Nynäshamn. Swedish wreck list for
an area south of Stockholm.
- Naval Wrecks of Karlskrona, Sweden
- Wreckdiving in Norway
- The St George Shipwreck Museum,
Denmark, has an extensive wreck list

- UV-guide, Denmark. Based on the "Dykinfo" database,
at least 3000 wrecks, compiled by scuba divers. The database can be downloaded. Only in Danish.
Continental Europe & Europe in general:
- L'Archéologie sous les mers, French
Ministry of Culture. Wreck database and general archives.

- Navis I. (requires Java) EU financed
database of ancient ship archaeology.
- SUB-REC, investigating with ROV, describing wrecks in Lac
Léman / Geneva Lake, Switzerland. Among the finds are spectacular railway cars from 1859 on 300 m
depth. Among other reports are "Rhône", "Aigle II / Simplon", and a 19th century wooden "brick".

- Wreck diving database Northsee, Jan Lettens, Belgium

- Wrakkensite, Netherlands.
Old page.
- Expedition Scyllias, France
- France: A printed list of shipwrecks off the French coasts can be ordered from Patrick Lizé. He
can be contacted at
North & South America:
- Web Dive Log, wrecks in Canada
- Northern Shipwreck Database,
Northern Maritime Research, Canada. The Northern Shipwrecks Database project is a
searchable CD database of more than 100,000 North American shipwrecks, that can be
Shipwrecks of Lake Champlain, USA
- Lake Champlain Underwater Historic Preserves, USA
- Located sunken submarines in US waters
- Wisconsin's Great Lakes Shipwrecks
- Minnesota's Lake Superior
Shipwrecks, Minnesota Historical Society
- The Graveyard of the Atlantic, US east coast
- Florida's Underwater Archaeological Preserves

- Shipwrecks off Alaska's Coast
- California Shipwrecks
- California Wreck Divers
-, Brazil

- Brasil mergulho
Worldwide specific locations:
- Archaeogate, Italy. Excellent listing of many
Mediterranean wrecks. Click on "Relitti".

- Abysso, Italy. Listing 500 wrecks of the Mediterranean
Worldwide general:
You can find more wrecks in the Nordic wrecklist and the
worldwide wrecklist. For national wreck archives, see
European authorities and worldwide