
Industrial Strength Color-Note Organ

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What is it?
Coagula is an image synth. This means that it is both a simple image editor, and a program for making sound from those images.

How: Coagula uses one sinewave (beep) per image line, one short blip per point (pixel) on the line.
Red is left, Green is right, Yellow is green+red, so it's in the middle.
Blue makes each sine into a narrow noise-band, so you can create hard noise or organ-like sounds.

Get started: Make some marks on the black canvas. Rotate, zoom and multiply the parts. Hit F5 and hear the light.

Tools: Use Filter images to shape areas. Use Echo tool to copy pixels several times. The brush has lots of options.

Coagula is freeware.

If you like Coagula you might want to try GranuLab



2016-09-01 19:00