GWL Statistics


  Operating System Report  

The Operating System Report lists the operating system your visitors are running for visitors whose browser types you know. Not all browsers provide this information and not all visitors provide browser information, but what is provided, is summarized here.

This report shows all results. This report is sorted by number of requests for pages.

Operating System Report: Number of requests by Operating System.

Operating SystemNumber of requestsNumber of page requests
    Windows 200028,95110,902
    Windows XP19,6235,752
    Windows Server 2003408289
    Windows 95277264
    Windows 981,026222
    Windows ME40885
    Windows NT15464
    Unknown Windows846
    Windows CE293
2.OS unknown8,6665,596
4.Known robots442322

This report was generated on July 9, 2007 20:07.
Report time frame January 2, 2005 19:17 to July 8, 2007 21:27.

Web statistics report produced by:
Analog logfile analyser. Analog 6.0Report Magic statistics formatting by Wadsack-Allen. Report Magic 2.21