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isbnsearch 0.5 Stable - An ISBN search tool with a permanent cache.

Date:  Tue, 2 Nov 2004 13:09:39 +0000 (UTC)
Newsgroups:  fm.announce

isbnsearch 0.5 Stable 
  by Neil Williams (
  Tue, Nov 2nd 2004 05:09 

 isbnsearch provides a simple method for retrieving  information about any
 book using only an ISBN or  EAN barcode. It is intended to provide
 assistance for  online libraries, user groups, or individual users, and 
 is designed in such a way to provide a distributed  ISBN database query
 system. Users can choose to  view the summary information (author, title, 
 publisher, date, edition, subject, ISBN) as HTML, XML,  or a pre-formatted
 SQL statement.  

 This version includes full support for the new 13 digit ISBN form, and
 includes a single PHP script to upgrade and recalculate all existing 10
 digit ISBN records into the 13 digit form, using the current 978 prefix.
 The two Perl scripts that run under cron have also been significantly
 improved, as well as having 13 digit support added. Make sure you run the
 13 digit conversion before updating the rest of the files.  

Release focus: Major feature enhancements 
      License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 
  Project URL:


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