BSD Sendmail Configuration
by Christian Hallqvist
The address concept
for e-mail at ETH Zürich implies that all e-mail addresses are
independent of host names und that e-mail is sent directly to the servers
that supply the individual institutes or organsational units.
This concept has a bearing on the way in which the servers should be
configured. Preferably, all e-mail servers should run BSD sendmail.
Domains for e-mail are adminstered by the
Section Communication. For details please
contact the
postmaster of ETH Zürich.
This document describes in brief the configuration file (
for Berkeley Sendmail that is required on a mail server,
a mail client or a mail slave. Our template configuration file and other relevamt
documents, including precompiled versions, are available from For details of the login
name and password please contact the group
Communication Protocols
and Network Seccurity.
There are at most three important lines in the configuration file you have
to look at if you want sendmail to work after a minimum effort.
These three lines begin with
- Dj
- DM
- O AliasesFile=
Mail Server Configuration
If you set up a server you must set your mail domain name after Dj,
since a mail server always needs a running mail daemon and must declare
its mail domain name correctly.
- Dj<a_email_domain_name>
If your server is going to have clients (clients mount the mail partition
area from the server) you don't have to do anything more to your configuration
file on the mail server for now.
Mail Client Configuration
If you set up a mail client (the client mounts the spool/mail area
from the server) you have to set your mail domain name after DM.
A mail client does not necessarily need a running sendmail
daemon, it must only be able to send e-mail.
- DM<a_email_domain_name>
Mail Slave Configuration
If you set up a slave (a slave receives email redirected from the mail
server) you must set your mail domain name after DM.
- DM<a_email_domain_name>
If you use NIS+ set nis_plus:mail.aliases after
O AliasesFile=.
- O AliasesFile=nis_plus:mail.aliases
If you use NIS set nis:mail.aliases after O AliasesFile=.
- O AliasesFile=nis:mail.aliases
latest change: 02-Dec-96,
F. Hille, Communication