Welcome to post.office.
post.office is a very powerful and versatile program, which is why if you print out the manual, you'll end up with quite a thick stack of stuff. At the same time, post.office can be very simple to use. Depending on your needs, you may never need to read as much as 90% of this manual. This is a reference book, and you can peruse individual chapters as you need them. Here are some guidelines for where you may want to start:
Chapters 1 and 2 are background information. Chapter 1 covers E-mail in general. If you are already familiar with the basics concepts in E-mail, you can skim or pass over this chapter as you see fit. Chapter 2 contains an overview of post.office's features and a cursory overview of the software architecture.
Chapters 3 covers installation. The bulk of it discusses pre-installation planning, which will help you to plan the best way to set up mail to meet your particular organizations needs. Network architecture is also discussed.
Chapter 4 is the first of a series of chapters which covers day to day post.office operations. This is the conceptual overview of operations which discusses how the forms work, your role as postmaster, what an account is, etc....
The succeeding chapters cover operations in some detail, examining first post.office accounts and the various forms used to administer these accounts and the account database (chapter 5). The discussion then shifts to the forms used to administer the system configuration (chapter 6).
Chapter 7 focuses exclusively on the post.office auto-reply feature.
Chapter 8 is a detailed discussion of security issues.
The appendices cover various additional topics such as standards conformance, post.office software architecture, other useful references, a Glossary of Terms, a User's Manual you can distribute if desired, an Index, etc. You are encouraged to peruse the detailed table of contents later in this section to find appendices of particular interest to you.