About 'Nordic Underwater Archaeology'

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and welcome to Nordic Underwater Archaeology. This publication is edited by Per Åkesson, Stockholm, Sweden, since 1996, with contributions from many. It is mostly in Swedish and English.

It aims to:

Investigating Vrouw MariaNordic Underwater Archaeology lives on the web and on CD with support from MAS, but it represents no organisation and has no official status. It is only I, and the authors of various texts here, that are responsible for the content.

For some external links to other sites that I find useful, well made or interesting, I add a smiley look for this smiley!. This is only a personal judgment of the website, and not a judgment of the underlying organisation.

I use the term “underwater archaeology” because that is a widely used expression. I use this term in a broad sense, covering various aspects of maritime and experimental archaeology, not always underwater.

If you find this site useful and make links to it, fine. You can use either the wide logo or the small Vasa ship at the bottom of this page. But it is safest to make links to the entry page   www.subarc.info   or the index page   www.abc.se/~pa/uwa/  Underlying document names may change, as this site is constantly changing.

Why “Nordic”?

A science like underwater archaeology is, and should be, international. This site has a global scope, but Northern Europe is covered better than than other parts. The reason is that this is the area that I know best. Covering the world in detail, would be beyond my competence.

Contribute, comment, or get articles!

If you find errors or have comments, if you have press releases, if you have links or relevant texts that you want published on the web in various languages, contact me, the editor.

If you want to publish material from this site you must contact me or the author. Articles can be re-written or adapted on request. With my experience as a journalist and TV reporter, it's fairly easy for me to produce material for print or other media. All job ideas are most welcome, after all I must make a living.


The interactive CD-ROM version of these pages can be ordered. This is useful for education, reference or at exhibitions where Internet connection may be slow, expensive or difficult. A customised CD can be produced on demand, changing the focus of presentation to your particular area, or combining this material with other documents. The CD is produced with the assistance of Jakob Cederlund (thanks!).


This publication would be nearly nothing without help. I wish to thank:

  1. All the contributors of articles. Thy are mentioned in the list of new articles.
  2. Those who helped with information, criticism and proofreading, in particular: Carl Olof Cederlund, Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg, Jon Adams, John S Illsley, the MAS members, Åge Skjelborg.
  3. Those who gave permission to use copyright material, in particular: The Vasa Museum, the Swedish National Maritime Museum, Peter Lögdberg, Sture Hultquist, UNESCO, Mary Rose Trust, Anders Fransson, Ingemar Lundgren, Discovery Channel, Axel Nelson.
  4. Those who give economical support, so far: MAS.
  5. Those who helped with programming solutions: Anders Nylund and Jakob Cederlund.

Reviews & Awards

Here are some reviews and awards. To those who liked this site I say thank you !

Site map

Trouble, FAQ, Russian, Greek

Per Åkesson

Thanks to the Marine Information Agency, Russia, for this nice logo.

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