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Literature, archives & media

Sources / Archives:

Archival research is often the first step of an investigation. Below are just a few examples. Where ever you live, try libraries, maritime museum libraries, archives, national authorities or wreck registers.



The titles under "Favourite books" are merely a personal selection, nothing more. Other bibliographies can be found at Lars Bruzelius' list, Texas A&M University, from John S Illsley, or the web pages of some academic departments.

Book presentations:

If you want your book reviewed on this page or if you have a review you wish to publish, please write. For a wider listing, see the bibliographies. Or why not visit the web book stores, e.g. Barnes and Noble,,, Search for "underwater archaeology".


Baltic Sea Adventure, 2007 documentary

Johannes Russ. Sunken in 1915, filmed in 1991. Condensed version on-line here (requires Real Player)

Shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea, presenting a very nice film from Finland. Several pristine wrecks have been filmed using sophisticated lighting.

The Viking Saga. Excellent TV production covering Nordic ancient shipping. Produced in 1998 by Agaton Film & Television, Sweden.

Castro's Gold, 1998 documentary, treasure hunter Glen Costello and archaeologist Carlos Alberto Oliva searching wrecks in Cuban waters.

Find more videos on the Video page.

Films in Swedish:

Osaliga skepp – Vrak i Östersjön, del 1, Sveriges Television, Växjö, 1986. Produced by Björn Axel Johansson. Excellent film that is a general intro to underwater archaeology and search methods, covering e.g. the finds from Kalmarsund, Bossholmen, and Kronan that sank in 1676.

Havets skuggor – Vrak i Östersjön, del 2, Sveriges Television, Växjö 1986. Produced by Björn Axel Johansson. Excellent film from the wrecks caused by British submarine E19 in 1915. Avaliable on Youtube.

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