Availability: This version: Public |
(In no particular order)
Home | Bälinge, Uppsala, Sweden |
Web page | http://www.abc.se/~m10383/meandi.html |
olof.ekstrom@abc.se | |
Age | 35 |
Profession | Software consultant (programmer) with own business |
Family | Married with 2 children. |
Primary role in the Haven project | Controlling the project and drawing up its initial boundaries and vision. Engaging others in the project. At this time filling all roles of producer, lead technical designer, lead mechanics designer. |
Skills relevant to the project |
Software design, specification, documentation and implementation. Programming including skills in Windows and Unix platform programming, DirectX, IP and networking, cryptography, rendering, database programming. Working knowledge of nearly every aspect involved in computer game creation. Over 10 years of professional experience as programmer and designer. |
Note: You are viewing the public version of this document. The internal version of this document may have different content.
This text was written in its entirety by Olof Ekström. For more information of the project this text relates to, see the Haven document outline here .
Copyright © 2001-2002 Olof Ekström/Extro System. All rights reserved.
Bälinge/Uppsala, Sweden, July 2001-March 2002