This is a presentation aimed towards friends on the net and in particular gamer friends. For professional or other info, please contact me .
This is me
Real life... My real name is Olof Ekström, I'm an independent software consultant living in Uppsala, Sweden (actually, I live in Bälinge, just north of Uppsala right on the 60th parallel). I'm 35 years old and married, with two children (Axel, 5 years old, Sofia, 3 years).What I do and where I do it
You may have seen my name or alias in any of a number of places. Open source software sites like Freshmeat, Slashdot, Sourceforge (no, I don't publish anything there at this time). Games, in particular massively online games ("MMORPG" or "persistent worlds"), is one of my large interests (see next section ). For a while, I have used the image seen here on the left as sort of a signature.
My interest in MMORPG gaming takes on the main expressions of playing them and perpetually having some project related to creating them. Nothing public at this time except this little byproduct (it's a completely useless fractal planet generator - sort of pretty/funny to look at though. Win32 only. It's a quickhack and not a finished application. Use at your own risk.) and the public version of my documentation.
In short, my main project at this time is a system based on Debian GNU/Linux servers using PostgreSQL and PHP and running a number of server applications, tools and clients running on either Win32 (client and tools) or Linux/FreeBSD (tools). If you are like me and have similar dreams/hobbies and would like to help or join, send me a mail - in particular, I'm interested in finding people with graphics and/or modelling (2D and 3D in both cases) experience, but graphics programming (DirectX/Direct3D/OpenGL), sound (DirectX), communications programming (IP stuff, not DirectX), database knowledge (focus on PostgreSQL) or portal construction (using PHP , Slash etc., on Linux and with PostgreSQL in the bottom). Also of particular interest is experience in cryptography and applications of storytelling and similar, or AI applications. My tool language of choice is C++.
Professionally, I do consultancy work in programming. Mainly C/C++ work, on either Win32 or other platforms. Among the things I have done are end user applications on Windows with personal and/or client-server databases, service programming on Windows NT and general service programming on unix platforms. I have also done some writing and teaching.
This is me and I
My gaming identity, Teodric, is just a convenient handle for "me representing all my characters and myself". The name is taken from the goth Teodoric who installed himself as ruler of Rome (the city, not the state, and in particular not Byzantium). His name appears in the inscription on Sweden's largest rune stone, the Röök stone.ÞioðrikR hinn þurmoði,
stilliR flutna, strandu
SitiR nu garuR a guta sinum,
skialdi umb fatlaðR,
skati MæringaThe text is part of what is arguably Sweden's oldest narrative/poetic writing. ÞioðrikR himself has very little to do with Sweden, but his name is important just for being mentioned on the stone.
My playing hours are usually from 8-9 pm CET to around midnight CET on weekdays, a little more on weekends. I don't play every day but quite frequently. At the moment I don't play at all, due to real life circumstances. Some of the games where you may have met me:
Not active Everquest, Bertoxxulous server, Guild: Jesters From about 1 month after release. Inactive since late fall 2000 Not active Asheron's Call, Harvestgain server Never really active. Not active Dark Age of Camelot beta Since start of beta 2 (ca November 2000). Test characters only. Have not played since the game was released. Not active Mimesis Online Test characters only. Not active Fallen Age beta Test characters only. Not active
Anarchy Online beta
Test characters only.
What my names mean or come from
Some of the names I have used when playing:
- Teodric was explained above.
- Gautrek is a mythic name, the mythic forefather of Götar ("gauts", possibly the "geatas" of Beowulf).
- Haladanu is a randomly made up name. Isbiornsdottr is a semi-scandinavian (Icelandic actually) name that might mean "polar bear's daughter". (Actually, polar bears are not called "ice bears" in Icelandic as they are in Swedish, but "snow bears")
- Uuzoor, Etaru, Cenlad, Unyw, Gleimyr, Ottoman, Grimvar are randomly made up names.
- Nanna is an authentic old Scandinavian woman's name (appears in the Edda) and is also my daughter's second name and the name of my grandmother.
- Angmar is a made up name but also the name of the realm of the witch king (the greatest of the ring-wraiths) in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
You can reach me at ,or, if it's related to gaming, .ICQ 106185250. MSN Messenger: Teodric (I am rarely logged into either these days.
Links collection for personal use (but feel free to use if you wish... be aware it is heavily outdated at this time and will be replaced) - Links . Some pictures of me and my family (mostly my kids) Album (in English ).
The starting point of the public version of the specifications and documentation for my game-making project - Haven - can be found at .
One of the by-products of this project is the A1 Modeller , a programmer's symbolic editor - .
Inactive sites: Haladanu's MSN pages . Cenlad's smithing pages .
Old pages still around: Free operating systems - my opinions on what I found when I took up an old interest.
Page last updated: 2002-03-03.