Skeppsbyggnadens historia
Externa länkar:
- Gamla fartyg, Axel

- Kilens
skeppsbyggnadsmuseum, Finland

- Reconstruction of sewing boatbuilding
technique, Fotevikens Museum
- Architectura Navalis Mercatoria,
Chapmans ritningsarkiv på Sjöhistoriska museet
- Shipbuilding
and Naval Architecture, Lars Bruzelius
- Vikingeskipene, Arild Hauge
- Vikingskip og
norske trebåter, Jørn Olav Løset
- Traditional shipbuilding in Pepsi Lake,
Viking woollen square-sails and fabric cover factor, IJNA 31.2 2002.
The discovery of the five scuttled Viking ships of Roskilde Fjord in
Denmark and the subsequent excavation, preservation and analysis of the
remains has initiated a programme of reconstructive archaeology led by
the Viking Ship Museum of Roskilde in which four of the five hulls have
now been reconstructed together with their rigs and square-sails. The
reconstruction of the sails has been based on fragments of heavy woollen
cloth found within the roof of Trondenes church in Norway dating to the
mid-13th century. This paper uses the ‘cover-factor’ modelling methods
of modern textile engineering to analyse the ‘Viking’ sail fabrics and
assess their strength, resilience and performance in comparison with the
linen sails from the wreck of the Vasa.
- Utomnordiska länkar
jul -12