- Lapuri boat, viking ship under reconstruction by Harry
Alopaeus and others, at Foteviken Maritime Centre, Sweden.
Is this replica finished or not?
- The Almere Cog, built in Sweden based on
Dutch find
- Eric Nordevall II. Based on the paddle
Erik Nordewall steamer from 1836-37.
- The Stockholm Brig, Sweden. The original was from 1857.
In 2006, only the rigging remains to finish.
- Alexandra, Borgå, Finland
Worldwide projects

- Minoan Ship. Recreating a ship from
c 1500 BC. The ship is built by Apostolos Kourtis in Chania on Crete. The material
is cypress wood, length 17 m and width 4m.
- Caligula's Nemi ship, Italy
- British Columbia Viking Ship Project,
British Columbia, Canada
- Matthew Legacy, John Cabot's ship of 1497. Old
project from 1998. Is this replica finished or not?
- Maine's First Ship, Maine, USA. Reconstructing
the ship Virginia, originally built in 1607-08.
- Zeven Provinciën, 1665, Holland
- Jean Bart, 17th c., France
- De Delft, 18th century warship.
- l'Hermione, Rochefort, French frigate from 1780
- La Liberté, Mediterranean 17th-18th century type galley,
Switzerland, was supposed to be launched 2001
Other replica projects may be found using a search engine.