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Swedish Underwater Archaeology Society

På svenska / Swedish version

The Swedish Underwater Archaeology Society (MAS) was founded in 1977/78 as a forum for archaeologists, scuba divers, scientists, and anybody interested in nautical history.

The society aims at a cooperation between these different groups, and for education and information in underwater and maritime archaeology. Each year MAS arranges a conference with invited lecturers. Eastindiaman Götheborg report

During 1986-93, our local branch in Gothenburg excavated the wreck of Eastindiaman Götheborg, sunk in 1745.

For membership in MAS, pay SEK 300:- to Swedish postgiro 26 99 80-9.

You can find more info from the  MAS official site (presently only in Swedish).

Newsletterour newsletter

Our newsletter is Marinarkeologisk Tidskrift, ISSN 1100-9632. Since 1978, it's published four times yearly, and included in the membership. Almost all articles are in Swedish. Some published articles are available on line.

rev apr -10

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