Traditional zones of transport geography in relation to vessel types


Note 1. To return to the title, it appears (from Rausing 1990: cf also Gräslund 1993: 196ff) that Beowulf and his followers may have used the southern parts of zone 4, binding together Gotland and Denmark. I am not so sure that Zealand (Stevns) was the goal, and may just propose Skåne and Kåseberga to ascertain my role as an anxious immigrant of that county. As to the ship type of Beowulf I am not sure that the jubilar would be pleased to hear another version of a Gotlandic tolfæring, so I abstain from making a definite proposal on that score. 

Note 2. The Viking Ship Hall of Roskilde in 1987 produced a film on the building and handling of a Borneo salui dugout canoe, recording e g the account by an old boat-builder precisely of the dissolution and carrying of the boat at the watersheds of this island. 

Note 3. The itinerary starts in Blekinge at the out-islands of Utlängan (utlengi). But what is the intended starting point? One possibility is the passage referred to, between Sanhammaren and Bornholm. At the important settlement of Åhus (`river mouth´-of the important Helgeån river), E Scania, where new discoveries (e g Callmer 1984) indicate extensive workshops and comcomitant cargo turn-over even before the town site was founded as the port of the archbishops of Lund. Remaining goods may have been reloaded for the Baltic. The whole of Scania could in this respect function as a transit area. Reval/Tallinn is the main turn-over point for Russia and the Eastern Baltic during a certain stage. 

Note 4. Another time-bound northern transport zone mainly covering the northeastern part of the Gulf of Bothnia (nos 1c/2) ends up at Reval, to the extent of calling the home port area in the north "Revelske sijdan" (17th century Swed. =`The Reval coast´), at least during the 17th century! The transit point of Reval is accordingly of crucial and continuous importance in the pattern of Baltic shipping.


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