UW archaeology courses
& academic depts
If you want to study part-time or full-time, or
contact academic institutions.
Nordic countries
- Underwater Archaeology, South
Stockholm University College, Sweden. Johan Rönnby and
associate professor C O Cederlund. Tel: +46-8-608 4000, Fax: +46-8-58 58 8010. Beginner's courses as well
as graduate courses for archaeologists
- NTNU (Norwegian Tech Science
University), Trondheim, Norway. Marek Jasinski, tel +47-73 59 21 64, fax +47-73 59 22 38, email:
marek.jasinski@vm.unit.no. Academic programs.

Syddansk Universitet, Esbjerg, Denmark. Coursed organised by Prof. Thijs
- Swedish Underwater Federation, tel +46-8-605 60 00, fax +46-8-605 63
72. Offers course kits to scuba clubs developed by Foteviken Maritime
Centre. No academic level.
- Danish Underwater Federation, Idrættens hus,
Brøndby stadion 20, DK-2605 Brøndby, Denmark, tel +45-424 555 55, fax +45-434 416 63. Underwater
archaeology summer courses onboard the sailing ship Fulton. No academic level.
- In Finland, the Helsinki University has only a traditional archaeology program. But there are
academic-level underwater archaeology courses at Åbo University and Hangö Summer
Academic depts & courses, the rest of Europe
- Ausbildung zum archäologischen
Forschungstaucher, info, Germany.

- University of Southampton, Highfield,
Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK. Academic programs and research projects. Hosting the
Centre for Maritime Archaeology (CMA). Contact Jon Adams,
jjra@soton.ac.uk Tel: +44-1703 592240, Fax: +44-1703 593032.
- University College London, MA in Maritime Archaeology, headed by Joe
Flatman, Ole Gron and Gustav Milne.
- University of Bristol, UK.
Academic programs, research. Contact Dr A. J. Parker,
Centre for Research in
Maritime Archaeology and History, tel +44-272-303398.
- Centre for Maritime
Archaeology, Oxford University, UK
- Oxford University MARE (Maritime Archaeology
Research Unit), UK, independent research group associated to Oxford University.
- Lochaline Dive Centre,
Scotland, offers NAS courses, no academic level.
Academic depts, North & South America

- Texas A&M University, USA, with
Institute of Nautical Archaeology and Ship Lab.
Academic programs headed by George F. Bass, projects e.g. in the Mediterranean, plenty of
info. Application deadline is January 1 for the fall courses.
- Florida State University, USA. Academic
programs, projects, wrecks & plenty of links. A wreck database is being published on line.

- University of Texas at Austin, USA, has a course in
Ancient Seafaring.
- Brown University, Rhode
Island, USA
- University of Hawaii, USA. The academic
program has been DISCONTINUED in 2003.
- University of West Florida, USA
- Underwater Science and Educational Resources (USER),
Indiana University, USA, research projects
- Lighthouse
Archaeological Maritime Program (LAMP)
Academic depts & courses worldwide