Hyperoid is the classic Asteroids arcade game. It was coded as a Windows 3.1 game by Edward Hutchins
in 1991. As a small exercise, I recompiled it for the Win32 API in -96.
All outdated API calls changed. Also made it work against the Registry rather than an INI file.
The possibility to set a starting level (levels 1-12) and restart the game from there.
This decides how many asteroids there will be and how strong and frequent the enemies are.
(I was bored by having to play 6-7 levels of only a few asteroids before
it got tricky. Of course, it still won't be like Quake...)
You can now rescale the playing field, making every object (including your ship) smaller or bigger on the screen.
This makes the field relatively larger or smaller.
Size varies from +8 (very large ship and consequently a minimal playing field) through to -8 (very small ship in a huge big black universe).