Haven Game Design Case: Hnefatafl
This is the design document
for a game design case in the Haven project
. The case is for an implementation of the board game Hnefatafl.
Availability: Public
Design Case D: Hnefatafl
Client Functionality
Technical Client Characteristics
Graphical Designs
Game Rules
Tournament Play, Ranking
Online and Offline Behaviour
Matching Service
Other Documents
This document is one of a suite of documents written to describe the
Haven project at various levels. The documents are, in order of complexity
and level of specification,
Links to web pages with information related to historic Tafl games:
Games related to Tafl, mainly Fox and Geese and Nine men's Morris:
Copyright Notes, Author Credits and Additional Information
This text was written in its entirety by Olof Ekström. For more
information about the author of this page, see Olof Ekström's personal
information in the
Project Profiles
Copyright © 2001 Olof Ekström/Extro System. All rights reserved.
Bälinge/Uppsala, Sweden, July-September 2001