Abstract: This document contains news related to the Haven project . Copyright notes, author information etc can be found via a link at the bottom of the page. Availability: Public. The document contains change notes for both restricted and public versions of the project. Most changes that only affect restricted documents should be marked. |
![]() Quick List of Activities:
Newest items first. Notices remain for 12 months.
I've played through Neverwinter Nights, and really anjoyed it. Kudos
to Bioware for using a personal plot - mild disappointment only for
their not daring to use it without tacking on a save-the-world plot.
Beautiful and athmospheric. I also got Dungeon Siege and enjoyed it
only slightly less. Both were high on my shopping list partially due to
being extendable and mod friendly although I have not yet made much use
of that. I hope to try Medieval Total War too, soon.
My new system runs Debian 3.0 and Windows XP Pro. I really like XP,
it's very nice. For the first time, I have a development system I might
share (and trust to share) with the family. Axel enjoys playing Theme
Park World and the Sims on it.
The agenda for my work isn't changed. Procedural plot generation,
procedural worlds, Axel's Cruyk project remain my focus points.
In private life, at the moment I teach computer classes at
Fyrisskolan (basically equivalent to a US high school), including
Programming (C++ in this case) and Multimedia. Me giving classes in
Photoshop and Flash is ... interesting. I learn a lot of course, even
though I don't see much of it as part of my future. Pondering the
future, I wonder if getting the necessary diplomas for doing serious
teaching might be what I should do. After so many years in industry,
school work feels very restrictive. The reward on the personal level
make it up somewhat, but still... We'll see. For now, I pretty much
enjoy being as good a teacher as I can.
Oh and some local heroes rounded up people in the village to make a
united attempt at getting some better-bandwidth internet access - we'll
most likely be getting fixed IP ADSL in a few weeks. Not a personal T1,
but I will certainly look into setting up something entirely of my own.
And finally, thanks to all my
countless visitors:
Well, countless may be a slight
exaggeration - since I added the hit counter to the Haven front page, it
has recorded 500 visits. For a page with nothing to advertise, offering no
free stuff and with no advertising or promotion, I think it's very very
gratifying and flattering that 500 visitors chose to stop by and read.
Some sought me out in search engines, some must have spread the word to
friends and colleagues. If anything, I would wish nothing more than for
some of those visitors to also drop me a note and tell me what they
thought about the pages.
Visitors come out like this:
Thanks for reading!
Added a What is 'Haven'? page. Not quite sure how to make it serve its purpose, but it's there.
Uploaded a new snapshot of documents - there isn't all that much new in there.
Recent lack of updates and work is due to lack of resources and motivation to move on with the restricted resources I have. To put it bluntly, I'm bored and disgusted that I don't have any decent hardware and that I'm still out of a job and out of money. I'm still working with the projects, sort of, but it's not very productive. Hopefully it'll come back to me.
Most recent work has been with the Patterns of Drama , where I have now commenced a deeper look at the structure of a solution. I have placed this discussion in a restricted access document called A Deeper Look At Conflicts .
For a fun exercise, I dumped all the html documents of the Haven document set into one file and looked at its size - the restricted documents produce 244 pages this way, the public version is 159 pages.
After 2 weeks on vacation, I'm now done incorporating changes and thoughts from that time. Among the areas I worked on are the CAF structure, Patterns of Drama and the Starkumàl concept (which is new but not public - it is a concept with the intention of demonstrating part of the Haven framework and perhaps creating a demo suitable for obtaining financing, i.e. a real project).
Major rework on Patterns of Drama . The analysis now seems nearly complete enough to start design on a trial solution. The analysis yielded a structure quite different from Polti (not that this was unexpected).
Working on Patterns of Drama. Also working on portfolio applications (DirectX and Win32 related, mostly), which is loosely connected to the TykeWorld concept, the MultiMode concept and other.2002-05-29
Added Haven Content Highlight: Symbols and Immersion (restricted at this time), with inspiration from an article on symbolism in games in GameDeveloper - the work here is parallel to the work on Patterns of Drama.
Polti's list is complete. Discussion is being added, starting to sketch a possible attack on the problem. Really wrestling the problem of representation and abstraction. (see Patterns of Drama )2002-05-24
Renamed Conflict Design Patterns to Patterns of Drama , better reflecting what it is really about. The file name is unchanged. Work is underway with the analysis of the problem. Polti's list is also being added in its entirety.2002-05-19
As a side note, the size of the document collection, counting only html files, is currently 757 kb (776 039 bytes, for restricted version, 60 files) and 568 kb (582 258 bytes, for public version, 45 files). 3 documents exist in different versions for public/restricted purposes, the rest are identical, are placeholders in the public version (21 files) or exist only in the restricted version. 34 images are linked (3.13 Mb total but this is due to one 1.1 M image which will be replaced). The size of documents in other formats (ASCII, Dia, KSpread) is 77 kb. The tool used to create the html documents is now exclusively Netscape Composer 6.2.1. Most images and screenshots were simply taken with "print screen" or Alt-print screen and saved in Microsoft Paint.
Amazing how the key-tapping adds up.
A lot of edits and updates, but the published document set has not been updated in a while. This update is primarily to bring the set of documents as a whole up to date.2002-04-02
The second "general" document is Conflict Design Patterns (available in public version). Based on Polti's 36 dramatic situations, this document is meant to be the starting point for a study on how to drive narrative in computer games.2002-03-23
Also some work in related projects; model viewer, A1, Bridge (a proof of concept project for bridging firewalls and NAT, while testing the P2P downloads design).
Added a directory for "general" documents. My primary intention is to use it for documents general enough not to be specific for the Haven project. The first document is Multiplayer Design Patterns (available in public version).2002-03-17
Lots of work in A1 , which is now nearing a state where it can be shown in public. The list of things to do before it can be shown is now:2002-03-10
I'd estimate about two weeks of work.
- Attaching relations to symbols
- Mapping to views
- Palette, model browser and menues tied to function
- Loading definitions (requires XML parser)
- Saving and opening saved files (requires XML parser)
Also added a technical highlight document for Download Assignment Service (not public) and made several iterations on the P2P Downloads document.
Added quick index to public start page.2002-03-08
Many smaller edits. Updated public snapshot.
This text was written in its entirety by Olof Ekström. For more information about the author of this page, see Olof Ekström's personal information in the Project Profiles document.
Copyright © 2001-2002 Olof Ekström/Extro System. All rights reserved.
Bälinge/Uppsala, Sweden, September 2001-October 2002