AIRLINE PILOT - an example
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A diversified profession - if you like variety.
To fly has become my way of life.
Almost everything in my daily life concerns flying.I fly the SAAB 340 for my "daily bread" as a captain.
I teach land pilots to become seaplane pilots. Some days I work as an instructor in the SAAB simulator at
SAS Flight Academy.
I participate in precision
flying competitions in Sweden and abroad. I compete for
the Stockholm Flying Club because they have a very good competition section.
I participate in DC-3 flights by
the Vallentuna Aviation Club. Flying is wonderful.
The pictures shows a SAAB 340 cockpit and cabin.
SAAB 340

SAAB 340 is a "Regional airline", a feeder that feeds passengers into hubs around the world.
Thatīs what the SAAB is made for. But on the other hand, it can fly
33 passengers anywherethey would like to go or haul 3,5 tons of mail or freight.
A well known aviation magazine in
the USA has stated that SAAB is one of the safest airliners in the world along with Boeings 757 and 767.
Link to NTSB Accidents and Incidents SAAB 340 1986-1997.
Learn about the SAAB 340
Cruising speed......................270 knots
Maxpax................................33 Europeans
Crew....................................2 pilots/1 cabin attendant
Engines................................2 General Electric, 1750 SHP each
This is my office. This is where I earn my bred and butter.
Here is more information, direct from the manufacturer
SAAB Aircraft.
FLYING PROFESSIONALY - from student to captain
Here's what to do if you are interested in an aviation career.
Start with visiting a doctor qualified in "Aviation Medicine".Have a professional pilotīs medical examination.
If that is OK there are then tree alternatives:
1. Apply to the nearest flying school in your vicinity.
2. Apply to a flying school in the USA.
3. Apply to the High School for pilots in Ljungbyhed, Sweden.
Alternative 1 and 2 mean that you have to finance your own studies, or that you have well off parents.
I think USA is the fastest way since it is easier to become an instructor and to then collect flying
time and to finance your education.
Alternative 1 offer the opportunity to have a job at the same time for financing your studies.
This was my way. Alternative 3 is a very restricted in numbers. Only a few students have the opportunity
to have this education payed for by the taxpayers.
The possibilities of getting an airline job are increasing. The economic situation for airline companies
has been poor since end of the '80's, which has had a bad influence on airline jobs but this situation
seems to be turning around at the moment. I was lucky to get a job 1988, when there was a great demand
for pilots. The demand for pilots seems to come in cycles of 10 years and in the next few years there
may be a high rate of retirements from the big companies.
FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR - the Swedish way.
To become an flight instructor in Sweden is rather complicated. The reason is partly that there is
little opportunity for acceptance into the education system since there are so few places available
each year and partly because there is a long process to go through, that extends over a year or more,
to become a qualified flight instructor.
Phase 1. Qualifying tests.
Phase 2. Fundamental course, about 1 month.
Phase 3. Work as an assistant flight instructor in a flying school.
Phase 4. Supplementary education. Write and defend your dissertation of flight safety subject.
Phase 5. Check flight CAA.
The demand for flight instructors in Sweden is generally high. The payment is not great but you can make a
living from it. You collect a lot of flying time, which is good for yuor career. Flying time as a multiengine
pilot is the most valuable for your airline pilot career.
For the moment I work as a seaplane pilot instructor at Täby Seaplane Club, Täby, Sweden
1800 flight links
Good Canadian flight link
A link for the Swedish CAA to look up to
Listen to radiotraffic at Dallas Fort Worth Airport
SAS Flight Academy - Airline training
Captain Bob's Page
Vallentuna Aviation Club - Täby Seaplane Club - Corvettes and Toys
- Flying pro - Precision Flying
Back to the Christer Lundholm homepage.
Updated latest Dec,21,2000 by Christer Lundholm,